My solo show COMMUNION was granted a residency at the cell theatre in Manhattan for its world premiere this September.   Kira Simring is the director.  Julianne Merrill is our sound designer.  Ron Lasko is handling press.

As a solo show, there are several scenes where I interact with characters who now only appear via pre-recorded V/O.  Monsignor Jonas, Sister Joan, and Deacon Tom are some of those characters. I'm trying to cast the right voices, and I would love it if you would put a few lines down on tape to share with the team.

Below are prototype recordings and sides with lines for each character. If you are interested, I'd ask that you listen to the recording for your character, record the lines, and reply to with a recording. Doesn't have to be fancy or produced or anything like that.  And if you want to do a few takes, including one in your natural voice, that would be great.

The complete set of lines (1 scene for each character) would be recorded during the month of August to be woven into the scene by our sound designer.  If you have a mic, the recording could even be done at home, but we have access to a studio, too.  

As a developmental workshop with limited performances, Communion is still something of a passion project, and we can only offer a small stipend to our team members.  The goal at this point is to lock in the script, find the design language of the piece, join with people who feel strongly about this story, and to give it industry visibility and a future life.  

The show's website is Thanks so much for your help, I appreciate it! xoxo Matthew

Sister Joan (female identifying, 60’s-70's, white) –  Unflappable.  Solid-spined.  A natural leader.  Committed to the laws of the church, at whatever cost.  Tough, tenacious, but not angry or aggressive.  The principal you were always afraid to approach, yet knew was looking out for you.  We are meant to wonder if she would have been a lesbian were it not for her Catholic vocation.   slight Queens, NY accent.

Deacon Tom (male identifying, early 50’s, white)   A subservient employee within the Diocese of Brooklyn.  The Bishop’s lackey.  Just enough spine to secretly show his wish for social justice, but not enough to make his opinions public, nor leave his job as a result of his internal conflict.  Deferential.  Efficient.  Conflicted.  slight Queens, NY accent.

Monsignor Jonas (male identifying, late 40's, Filipino)  Pastor of Corpus Christi Church   Intelligent, closeted, uptight, good hearted.   A touch too formal for his own good.  Intrinsically worried of what people will think if they discover he’s gay.  Filipino accent, *English is his second language.