"The show rises and falls with Bobby, and this production is as successful as it is because of LaBanca. If he just had to sing, he'd be a treat to listen to; if he just had to dance, you'd get an eyeful. But, folks, he's a first-rate singer, dancer, and clown, all rolled into one. He partners beautifully, and he leads the company in the big numbers with gusto." Daily Gazette, Schenectady - Paul Lamar
"LaBanca is a remarkable dancer, with tap skills that end at his toes but clearly begin up in his head." Times Union, Schenectady - Michael Eck
"Excellent performance - Matthew LaBanca [is an] accomplished triple threat - convincing in characterization, dazzling with dancing, and just plain beautiful to listen to when the moment called for some soulful singing." The Journal, Rapid City, SD - Larry Bangs