Previews - Audition for Singin' in the Rain

Previews - Audition for Singin' in the Rain

My  idea for Previews came from preparing an audition video for Singin' in the Rain.  I was not in the greatest voice that day, but I wanted to get it done. And I took SO MANY TAKES to get it up to my satisfaction. And I thought, “There’s so much to this creative process that no one ever sees.”

I don’t always the messy side of our creativity put on display,  at least not in my circles. Usually, I only see  the good, FINISHED stuff that’s presented. I understand why, but we all go through a mess, and the creative process can often feel very lonely and defeating.   

I wish I could say that I had saved my cracks, my takes with poorer intonation.  And of course, I'm grateful that you don't get to see it.  It's messy.  It's subpar.  Who wants to see that?

My thought is this:  if I share my mess AND my goals AND my progress AND the finished product, it's a chance to plug into my humanity.  All while I face my demons of perfection that hold me back.

Plus, it's a good excuse to set some goals.

Don't worry, there will be more, and you will see what I go through.  Maybe you go through it, too, it whatever endeavor you may be pursuing.

Maybe you're even like me and have to double check how to spell endeavour.  

Previews - Singing Practice

Previews - Singing Practice

Previews - Accordion Edition

Previews - Accordion Edition